Christmas is Coming…

If you are like me you will love Christmas, the anticipation, the buzz around, the energy of seeing lights, decorations, crowds of people and the list goes on.  However, I’m also aware, very aware that some people struggle with Christmas.  I’ve worked with many people over the last month who have lost loved ones at this time of year, the memories whilst good to have, bring sadness and wishes of ‘if only…’.

I feel this myself at this time of year as I buried my Mam on Christmas Eve several years ago.  It’s something I always remember, recall and reflect on.  It’s an important day for me, even though I usually work, I still get up super early and go to the shops for last minute food items before coming into the office.  I remember doing this with my Mam.  I remember meeting her in Newcastle and feeling the excitement, she loved Christmas too.

I guess what I’m saying is, hold on to the preciousness of memories.  Know that it’s okay to have sadness in your heart.  This reflects the love shared, the joy of moments that can’t be replaced but also don’t leave you.

For those who find Christmas difficult for many reasons, be kind to yourself.  You are doing your best, you may be clinging on, hold fast and keep going.